Thursday, June 28, 2007

Magic Lighting

There is something utterly mesmerizing about pools lit up at night. The water takes on rich jewel tones not seen in anything else--aquas, turquoises, teals, midnight blues, and jade greens, all with a mysterious glow emanating from within. The nearly hypnotic effect is perfectly calculated to instill a quietude in your soul, and a belief that fundamentally, all is well.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Remarkably Pleasant

Great swaths of green velvet lawn, a sunny pool, and a Meditteranean view. This one is the best yet. I see croquet games, picnics under the trees, painting on the shore, swimming all the time, kids and dogs running about, lemonade on the terrace--a lovely life. :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

More Amalfi

This looks like it might be a fun place to stay for awhile. A little crowded, perhaps, but attractive despite. That's probably because it's European. Crowded seems to work alot better over there than it does in the States.