Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fit for a Queen

And then there are royal staircases, the sort you can't possibly imagine in any context outside of the bounds of the aristocracy. You also can't imagine getting anywhere near such a staircase without being in full period costume from at least the 1890's, probably earlier.
I'd absolutely love to visit it; I couldn't possibly live with such a thing.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Into a Fairytale

Of course, there are staircases, and then--there are outdoor staircases. This one looks like it walked right out of "The Enchanted April," which anyone who has ever seen the movie will readily agree is quite simply one of the most beautiful things ever filmed. Imagine meandering your way up and down these steps--your soft white skirts swishing over the stone and kissing the flowers as you pass by, drinking in the heady scents of the Mediterranean air.

It's sad--I'm an utterly hopeless romantic.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Everything You Could Ask For

in a staircase. Because this set of stairs is so narrow and tightly folded on itself, it looks as if it probably belongs to an upscale apartment or townhouse. Despite this, however, it has many qualities to recommend it. The style is very simple, yet the contrast of the well-polished dark wood with the white paint provides interest that would otherwise be lacking. The stairs are narrow from side to side, but their gentle curve and the sweep of the hand rail add elegance and a sense of refinement. The light paint prevents the small space from seeming too close or claustrophobic, yet that very smallness provides a bit of hobbitish coziness, enhanced once again by the gleaming hardwood floor and accents. Altogether, a very pleasant little hall and stairway, one I would be quite happy to have in my own home.