These are the best days. Mornings are shrouded in blankets of fog, dissipated by the warming rays of a friendly sun. The air is zesty, the skies are clear, and the trees show off their bold and beautiful colors. The birds are still busily singing, but the bugs have returned whence they came. Life is rich, full-bodied like a chocolate pudding with a hint of cinnamon sprinkled over the top. Drink it in!
i miss autumn like some people miss sunshine. it hurts my inmost being to be deprived of its glory.
Beautiful post on Fall! Fall seems an inspiring time. I think that's why it's a good idea to get a lot of Christmas shopping done early, during the glorious days of fall; but that's random. Check out these fall poems: Painted Woods and To a Young Child.
I really enjoyed the Painted Woods. Touched home!
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