Autumn in Virginia is the one time in the year I feel as if I'm not that far from my childhood home. Unlike the rest of the year, there is a crispness and energy in the air that used to be a constant when I was growing up in Colorado. Virginia's autumn sky deepens its hue until it is nearly as blue as the Colorado sky, and at night you can even see the Milky Way, just as one can on any clear Colorado night.

Of course, Virginia will never be as rugged as Colorado, and that's as it should be. I wouldn't love Virginia so much if it were not what it is. Virginia is one of the most beautiful states I've had the blessing to see. But Colorado is a state of spectacular scenery. It is grand and sweeping; it can be a little harsh at times, but you cannot witness its wild beauty without experiencing a sense of awe. Here it is in all its autumn glory!